The first day of autumn and I haven't been out in the garden for a while.
It's looking a little overgrown, with plants leaning on one another for support.
It's due for a severe pruning this year, but I won't touch anything that's still flowering for a while yet. I know that these late flowers provide vital food for bees and other insects, and since I maintain my garden primarily with wildlife in mind, I'll leave them for as long as possible.
I like the wild look: plants weaving through and tumbling over one another. I find it beautiful.
I've spent an hour or so out here today, watching the light turn everything golden as the sun moves us towards dusk. It looks like a painting - impossible to fully capture with my amateur photography skills, but I'll try.

A fungus village? Fairy houses? |
| |
A fairy semi-circle? |
The grapevine, neglected and overgrown, nonetheless produced grapes this year.
Unfortunately we left it too late to pick them. |
Grapevine. |
Reaching for the sun. |
Sedum Spectabile - ice plant - excellent for wildlife gardens; late-flowering and easy to grow. |
A gift from a neighbour. Newly planted with pretty pink flowers. |
Nepeta - Catnip. |
So many pretty spiders... |
Chives, flowering again after being cut back several weeks ago. |
Only three or four apples on our tree this year. |
Next door's did somewhat better! Happily, our neighbours like to share their fruit!
Blue skies - nearly sunset. |
A variety of mints.
The last few Comfrey flowers, beloved of bees. |
The pond. Frogbit and Water Iris. And too much duckweed. |
Creeping around by the pond. |
Pot of forget-me-nots. Winter heliotrope, trying to take over.
The Bear, keeping me company. |
A self-seeded poppy, wrapping its head around the tea table. |
Nasturtiums. Self-seeded and edible. Deliciously spicy! |
Shining through. |
Lemon Verbena. |
Last warm glow. |
Sunset. |
These photos were taken on Sunday. By Thursday, those fungi had grown!
I'm not foolish enough to assume that I know what species they are, but I might look them up, just for fun.
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